drmgirl27: WOW, it has been a month since I lost everything due to an apartment fire. You never know how something is so precious and worthy until you lose it! I always complained about not having enough of something, but now I know how it is to have nothing but the clothes you have on your back. So be GRATEFUL for what you have b/c at any given moment it can be taken away. Ppl would tell me that they couldn't imagine losing everything they own and asked how I'm taking it so well. I even went to work the next day. I cried for the first couple days, but I left it in the hands of GOD- I STRONGLY BELIEVED he would get me through this & GUESS WHAT? HE DID IT!!! I'm just REAPING what I have SOWN throughout the years- I TRY MY BEST to help someone out when I can, so I'm just THANKFUL for you all who has BLESSED ME at this time; I will NEVER FORGET your acts of KINDNESS!!! Things happen for a reason: this is a HUMBLING experience; and MY BLESSING in DISGUISE... I'll be 30 in August, so GOD is giving me a new start for my 30s!!! #GottaHaveFaith #ContinueToPraiseHim #WithoutHimItWouldNotBePossible #Thankful #Blessed