: #Flint #watercrisis 9,000 PLUS kids with #leadpoisoning ❗️❗️❗️ #Lead is Destroying car parts, think about the damage its doing to people smh Checklist of #Neuropsychological Problems Associated with Lead 👇🏾 Delayed language or motor milestones (infant, toddler) Poor speech articulation Poor language understanding or usage Problems maintaining attention in school or home High activity level (hyperactivity) Problems with learning and remembering new information Rigid, inflexible problem-solving abilities Delayed general intellectual abilities Learning problems in school (reading, language, math, writing) Problems controlling behavior (e.g., aggressive, impulsive) Problems with fine or gross motor coordination #RealWorld Outcomes of Lead Poisoning in Children #PoorLearningandperformance ☣#LearningDisabilities ☣Problems Paying Attention ☣Disorganized Approach to Learning ☣#Poor #Work #Completion ☣Increased Risk to Drop Out #PoorSocialRelationships: ☣#CommunicationDeficits ☣Impulsive, Hyperactive Behavior ☣#Problems #Sharing and Taking turns ☣ Increased #Aggression ☣Increased #Need for Adult #Supervision Lead Lowers your IQ, which we know that is the one of government's goals to #DumbDownSociety and cause poor moral behavior/ make people aggressive and disorganized The opposite of how the Most High created us to be...The Most High is not the author of confusion but of order This is a #spiritualbattle...this is #NoAccident #Yashaya #12tribes