: Dear Sophia You are one of my best friends in the whole world and we have been together since day one. And according to L coop we are the exact same person. That's why it's OK to tell a secret's. We have so many inside jokes and whenever I say let me start dying laughing like HSS and statue and so much more. You and I have so many memories like doing makeup competitions and Abby Lee Dance company. We also have been thought the worst times together, you have always been there so I can cry in your shoulder when I need it and I have been there for u. Like the time I slept on the cushions for u at Alayna house😂😂. Also thanks for organizing my room today ❣❤️ I love you. I can't even explain who much I I love and care about u. You are our squad leader and you are the person who started u know what #cupid😂😂❤️😍. You always make school so fun and when you weren't there at lunch was so boring because I didn't have anyone to whisper to so Kevin and Mickey thought we were talking bad about them. Same with Lindsay and Natalie. Going back to the good old days are the best because u had that big huge cage in your mouth and when it was your first day back from school you needed me to talk for you because I couldn't. Haha😂😂❤️ the worst part about elementary school is that me you and Alayna never got in the same class and until fourth grade we were in the same class. Every day we made Mrs kramers day and can u believe it she is a MRS. I am actually crying when I am writing this because u are my best friend and u are getting so old even though u are a couple month older that me I love you so much and that you are getting older my the minute is making me so happy. I don't know how many times I have said this but I love you so much and I hope u have the best day in the world. ❤️❤️❤️❤️