: Today I did plyo extreme from the 21 day fix workout. It was intense and I gave it everything I had! You have the ability to push yourself past what you think you can do. Always give everything you've got because the benefit is your and yours alone! I believe in you because I have seen it happen! I've done it and I make it my goal to make sure you push past your limits and reach your goals as well. Start and finish your journey with my help and support. The best part? It's free! Comment below to hold your spot!!!! Let's get you to that finish line! The group starts next month!!!! #june #Summer #Spring #Work #Fitness #Woman #Mixed #mom #Cold #Callie #BayArea #SanFrancisco #Warriors #Outlander #GameOfThrones #Chante #Fitness #AutumnCalabrese #21DayFixHashTagExtreme #BeastMode #WomenWorkout #MixedGirls #Kids #SoccerMom #MomsOfIG #Friday