fit_inspired_mom: Well, Joshua passed out! Thank goodness because the more rest he gets the better. Anyways, that left me with no excuses! So I got my workout in, late, but got it in and that's all that matters. I feel so much better now. I love how accomplished my workouts make me feel, as if I'm so powerful and unstoppable. They make me feel like I'm the best I can be, and I love that. I love that my superfoods nutrition shake tastes amazing and gives me loads of energy. Although I have to admit that being this far in pregnancy is starting to make me feel tired and uncomfortable, I'm still kicking ass!!!! It seems that me and my baby boy (the one inside) both got our workouts in today LOL!!! He's still moving up a storm! Honestly you don't even know what your capable of until you go for it. Today's the FIRST day since I started 8 weeks ago that I got through holding both 60 second planks (on my knees) for the FULL 60 seconds!!!!!! I also was doing push-ups (on my knees) without stopping!!!!! I'm so freakin proud of myself today!!! This is a big accomplishment for me, considering I've NEVER had any arm strength in my whole entire life!! If you want to join me on my journey please drop your email below and I'll get in contact with you ASAP! 😄 have a beautiful day!!! #fitmom #fitmama #fitpregnancy #healthypregnancy #healthylifestyle #healthyliving #21dayfix #ilovetoworkout #iloveworkingout