: The weekend is here🤗🤗 Kids are on the mend👍👍 Husband is finishing up his last weekend of the 7 am shift😌 I'd say life is good😄😄 T-2 days until my next Challenge Group begins💪💪 Perfect timing since it's the day after Easter🌺🌺 People say to me all the time "I want to get healthy," or "I want to get in shape" but then give me every excuse under the sun as to why they can't. That's fine. If they want to continue to feel the way you feel, make the excuses. I'm going to continue to move forward and feel good! With or without them😳 It's not too late ⏰ to start! And I can (and will) help you👍 As I tell my patients every day, I can't MAKE anyone do anything. It is up to you to decide how you want to feel. If you want to feel better, then we can be a team and make it happen😉 Day #27 of H&C complete💪 ✔️ Chisel Agility 🏋 ✔️ 10 minute Ab Chisel ✔️ 15 minute Leg Hammer #fitmomma #saturdayworkoutdone #changeyourhabits #fitmommastrong #fitforlifemoms #doitforyourfuture #nowisthetime #dontwaitanylonger #lovetheweekends #joinmeorwatchme #hammerandchiselrocks #fitmommasrock #supporteachothersgoals