oooobets07: 11 years ago, just two months shy of turning 23, I was given the greatest gift in the world, the gift of becoming a mother. I was afraid, nervous, excited and all that comes with it. Knowing that I would have to take care of a tiny little girl and shelter her in every way possible was quite a scary thought but she made it such an amazing journey and continues to do so. She knows how to push my buttons sometimes but honestly, she's the most amazing 11 year old I know! She brightens anyones day with a simple smile. Happy 11th Birthday to my gorgeous best friend, my sunshine even on the cloudiest day!!! I pray that God continues to protect you from all harm so that you remain by my side, forever more! I adore you! #MemeTurns11 #MyBestFriend #MySunshine #AdoreHer #BirthdayWhispers #BirthdayWishes