neil_sanjay: Everyone has a story. I used to be the laziest when it came to working out. I only started going to the gym in March 2013. From 195 lbs I dropped to about 170 lbs in 5 months doing mostly cardio and rarely doing weight lifting. I finally took my weight lifting serious in Nov 2013 and people started noticing it. Fast forward to Jan 2015 and I was diagnosed with a liver infection that put me in the hospital for about a week. I was weak physically and emotionally broken down. I wondered why my eyes and skin were abnormally yellow (jaundice) and thought I was gonna look weird for the rest of my life! For the next 6 months I felt depressed. I ate like shit. I gained back so much weight and fat. I avoided all my friends. I neglected the people that mattered the most, my family. But one day I looked in the mirror and I absolutely hated what I was becoming, the same lazy dude who made excuses in the past. In June I vowed to completely change my mindset, and get back to the gym 4/5x a week. In life you will struggle and you will fail. No doubt about it. But how you respond to your struggles will determine what kind of person you are. Chose to be #strong Stay #motivated and #love like everyday is your last. 💪 Oh yeah, this was the first time I've ever tried to do hanging leg raises, so #formpolice please don't judge me. #confession #igfitness #justdoit #staypositive #noexcuses #LALakers #NikeFlyKnits #longestIGpostever