jimromig: Playing around with developing positional awareness, improving upon connective tissue integrity and range of motion, as well as the weight distribution and transference whilst changing levels for a shot. On left, the movement is initially slowed down to feel out the subtleties of weight distribution and proper activation. This will also allow for feeling out which parts of your body are pressing into the floor. Drive down with the sole of the front foot to pull forward while pushing away with the sole of the back foot, keeping the heels, pads, and balls of feet driving into the ground as your weight transfers from back to front. Keep the tailbone tucked with ribs and belly pulled in and chest lifted, keeping safe neutral spine for developing familiarity initially, then going into hollow body or c-spine when you want to apply more directly to fighting or wrestling. For the love of God, do not use a neutral spine when you fight or wrestle. Please. Once weight is transferred forward, keep the tailbone tucked and pull ass towards front heel, only pulling as far down as a full "footprint" will allow (press with ball, pad, and heel of front foot, not allowing the big toe to take the load... Yet.) and a long, flat spine can be maintained. As the weight is lowering down over the front foot, roll over and press down the inside of the ankle then follow that up to the inside of your knee, making sure the knee only comes down if the ankle stays safely down. Keep toes spread and feet active. Once level is changed with front foot flat, pull your weight forward pull pulling the heel as high off the floor as possible, all while staying on the inside edge of the front foot and pulling the ass towards the lifting heel. Toes spread, keep head reaching up. (I may have started to get into the shot a bit too much and started to lower my chin at the end) Hold with the heel up and weight forward for a sec, before articulately pressing the sole of the foot back into the floor as a whole and reversing the motion. Match up your exhales with your movement and go slow at first. Once you feel pretty solid, pick it on up! Who wants to 'rassle!?!? #MBAC #MedBallAthletics #Chang