: Happy FIRST Birthday Kingston!! MESSAGE TO KINGSTON: From the moment I found out I was pregnant I could never have anticipated all of the unexpected events that would follow... An unexpected high risk pregnancy due to developing HELLP Syndrome which affects .1% of pregnancies; The unexpected decision to deliver you 11 weeks early or risk my life as well as yours; Your unexpected 60 day NICU stay where I watched you grow and at times fight for your life through a plastic window in your incubator; The unexpected guilt I felt as a mother as well as the unexpected feeling that I had failed you and my parenthood journey before it even had begun; The unexpected renewal and faith I had in God as I prayed more in that time then I ever had in my entire life; But of all the unexpected events that happened the greatest I experienced was loving you....and realizing how empty my life was before you. I have learned more from being your mother in this short year than I have in all of my years on this earth. You have taught me to be patient...that I am much stronger than I realized...and as I have watched you flourish into the determined and strong willed little boy you are that faith, hope and love is more than enough. You have reminded me to appreciate every moment and to focus on all the great things that surround us...like each other. I am so honored to be your mama and I thank God everyday for blessing me with you. My life begins and ends with you son....looking forward to many more birthdays to celebrate! #kingstonkekia`ikūpa`a #preemieUM #tinybutmighty #happyFIRSTbirthday #loved #blessed #grateful #mahalokeakua