imjustberesjdjkdndjd: @houseofmemoriez , I love you so much, you have helped me throughout that whole stuff with my mom. sadly, she passed.. Mia you have helped me, you keep everything so happy, you make me forget what's happening. You love me, you deal with my bullshit, you have learnt to deal with me. You have stayed here and haven't doubted me. We went through some crap but doesn't everyone. We can't be mad at each other for long, I love your happiness and positive energy. You're so beautiful in many ways, you so much joy and you're so nice to be around. You look great constantly even when you think you don't and you need to give yourself more credit. I knew I said I was going to fly to Florida with my aunt and stuff, I can't bare to see anyone unhappy, I can't bare to think she isn't there but you keep me sane, you remind me of her when she used to be happy. Mia, saying your name makes me happy, you're my princess and I love making you happy, I don't ever want to be with anyone else. I can't imagine it either, I wanna take you places, I wanna spoil you, I wanna be able to give you my best. I can't even describe how lucky I am to have someone so lovely, beautiful, funny, intelligent in my life. I love our cuddles and our movie nights, our sex, our dinners& I love spending time with you. You're so amazing Mia and all I can ask is for you to see it. I know I can be a bad boyfriend at times but you don't change.. You're still perfect and I feel like I fail on you even when I try so hard but you always let me know it's normal, I love you so much Mia and not a day goes without me thinking about you. I'm never going to let anyone else have you, you're forever mine. "You and Me are forever" that's a promise baby. #takenrp #justinbieberrp #kendalljennerrp #openrp #anyrp #sexrp #dirtyrp #haileybaldwinrp #arianagranderp #kyliejennerrp