janehunter: Happy 3 year Anniversary to my wonderful husband! Can't believe how fast these years are flying by! Words cannot even begin to describe how in love I am with you! Every day, every month and every year that passes by I can only see an amazing future before us. You continue to astound me with all your accomplishments in life, and with each accomplishment you have made our family has only grown stronger. I have seen you grow into your own and you have grown as my husband supporting me in every decision I have ever made. You have grown as a father to which you can clearly see by the way Kayla adores and respects you! I'm so excited to bring our son into the world because honestly I couldn't think of anyone else to be a great role model than you. Thank you for all you do husband! Love you times infinity and beyond! #love #anniversary #6yearstogether #3yearsmarried