empresstiffof4: Wow!!!! Where does the time go?!!? My last blessing turned 8 months yesterday. I can't believe it has already been that long! He is army crawling and almost crawling crawling! He stands for periods of time without assistance and is trying to walk with assistance. He is trying to say baby babble words and went from a premie to a beast in the weight and height department! That's truly incredible and a blessing... His smile melts us and his hand to hand contact is something fierce (strong baby boy) Adaiah Matthew'Lee Hicks, I know mommy works a lot with you and have to spread her time between your older bros; however, I want you to always know you completed our family and made it whole. We love you so deeply and I love you from the depths of my soul. Can't wait to see the adventures you bring to our world, our family💙 Happy 8 months "Dai Dai"our "Boxer Nerd"... #proudmama #8mo #ourlastblessing #savoringEveryMinute