phoenixontherize: Week 5 challenge: do some bragging Almost a year ago my PT at the time wanted me to try doing vertical pushups. I couldn't even get my legs to raise and he had to position them then I would fall immediately. Last weekend my current PT presented this movement and I was nervous. My first time was last weekend and I didn't record but the video on the far left is what my attempts looked like. Then mid week this week I wanted to try and on my first attempt was able to get up and hold for a bit (middle video) Then today on first attempt again I got it and lasted a long time before falling but the video here only last 15 seconds. Soon I'll be able to do the push up along with it. #nolimits #stillinitafter #transformforlife Body space: markoc80 #gains #training #exercise #workout #trainhard #fit #fitness #goals #centurycity #beverlyhills #Hollywood #crossfit #dieting #weight #PT #shred @bodybuildingcom @bsnsupplements #priorities #getripped #healthy #health #performance #bodyfat #transformation