: All I gotta say is if you WANT it, #WORK for it. (Even if the song says "You ain't gotta work, work, work" 😉#WideBackWednesday brought to you by my favorite exercise of Cable #BackFlies 💪🏽😉😍 Definitely becoming my favorite area to target is my rhomboids and traps! Back flies certainly help target those, your rear delts, your lats, and part of your traps 😜 They say a strong back is a sexy back. & You absolutely cannot fake strong. So switch up your exercises and target different muscle groups, and you'll start to see changes 🔥😁 #RhomboidsForDays #WideBack #GotWings #Wings #RearDelts #Traps #TrapCity #TrapQueen #Delts #Progress #Lats #StrongBackIsASexyBack #BabyGotBack #BackDay #Wednesday #Rhomboids