This is the best thing I’ve ever made. Here’s a #cover of a cover 😂 #herecomesthesun covered by #jacobcollier and #dodie and then covered/interpreted by #piscy02, it’s a bit different but I really like it! Super proud. Hope you enjoy! 💛’s
Also btw i hope u appreciate that there was no sheet music for this so i basically just used my ear for an hour
piscy02: LISTEN WITH HEADPHONES! :) This is the best thing I’ve ever made. Here’s a #cover of a cover 😂 #herecomesthesun covered by #jacobcollier and #dodie and then covered/interpreted by #piscy02, it’s a bit different but I really like it! Super proud. Hope you enjoy! 💛’s Also btw i hope u appreciate that there was no sheet music for this so i basically just used my ear for an hour #dodieclark#thebeatles#beatles#picplaypost#9patch#ukulele#guitar#harmonies#harmony#p02#joinmycollab#collab#join#spreadkindness💛
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