: {#izzysbios} Name: Tanner James Bennett Gender: Male Age: 17 Height: 5'11 Weight: 154 Sexuality: straight Rp1: taken @the.twilight.zone Rp2: single Appearance: gray/blue eyes, brown hair, tall, on the muscular side. Personality: gentleman, romantic, one girl kinda guy, loyal, funny, charming. Likes: skateboarding, pizza, anything sweet, cuddling, surfing, basketball, being with the girl he loves. Dislikes: avocado, jelly beans, drama queens, guys who like to push people around, stuck up people, people pestering him about his past, loved ones being hurt. Bio: Tanner leads a pretty normal life, but at the age of nine his dad died in the military. It hit him hard as a young boy growing up without a dad, his mom never remarried. He had been dating a girl since 9th grade that he had lived since seventh, and they loved each other a lot. He gave her a promise ring, and shortly after when they were on the way to go see a movie a drunk driver hit them and she died three days later in the ICU. He found out she didn't make it once he was out of the hospital for his own injuries. He blamed himself and still does. After that he wasn't the happy sweet cool guy everyone knew him to be , he became closed off and kept to himself. He pushed people who tried to help away for awhile. Rp1: but then he met the love his life, a beautiful girl named Toni who helped him heal the wounds in his heart and bring him back to his old self. He loves her very much and would do anything to make her happy. Rp2: he still pushes people away, but deep down inside he honestly wants someone to be able to break down his walls and reach through to him. He misses friends and doing fun things, he wants to be his old self again. But he needs help. End of bio. Please #requestrp #openrp#pleaserp#anyrp#straightrp#singlerp