ashton.atencio: ♡my #womancrushwednesday is Kaylee Pike, a.k.a: my slainer buddy, my partner in crime, and of course, my best friend. But that's not all, she's also like a sister to me♡ ♛she is an amazing person, and I'm so glad that she's in my life. she helps me with so many things and always has a smile on her face. i can tell her anything in the world, and she won't judge me nor tell anyone. she has my back 24/7, and can destroy zombies(😅slainer)!!!♛ ❥i remember when we hang out, and we have so many laughs. i remember when you got up onto my shoulders and our different poses for the photo shoot that we did. i remember having to ask someone to help with the camera, and how hard we laughed that day. And the Bahamas and Hawaiian Falls, those days were pretty awesome too. When we went to the mall that one time, (Kaylee the waiter😅), and when we were little, the time we had a whipped cream fight. omg i could go on and on almost forever trying to list our hangouts, the inside jokes we made, and our laughs❥ ツthe other night, I started crying looking through my camera roll, I missed her so freaking much. we have so many pictures and laughs and i miss you so much.ツ ☠if someone EVER hurts her, they're going to be wishing they hadn't. her and i have a crazy mind together, and I think that's one of the reasons we bond so well☠ ❁she doesn't steal my work and call it her own, and if she has a similar idea to mine, she'll ask me if its okay. And that's plain old respect.❁ ☮if she thinks differently about it, she'll agree and tell her point of view. that's kindness and patience☮ ★she's respectful to me and my family. after dinner, she'll take her plate and cup to the sink so someone else doesn't have to do it. that's taking initiative.★ ➹I know that she's gonna make an impact of this world. I know that for a fact. she has so many great things ahead of her and with her now, that she can and definitely will reach one of her goals in life.➹ ∞I love you slainer, partner in crime, bestie, and my sister∞