: I like that you're singing happy birthday to yourself lol but that's all I had!!! 25 years ago (#31) the world got the gift of a lifetime....you!!!!! We have had our ups and downs (lots of downs) but I've lost so many people in my life and we always fight for each other which makes us stronger and closer every day! I couldn't image my life without you! Every time we hang out, I know it's going to be the best time of my life! And when we are old and crusty, p.s. I've only got 10 years on that (#whitepeopleproblems) just know that no matter where I am, no matter what I'm doing...I will always love you! #birthday #loveislove dude your birthday is now in #LGBTQ month!!! So fitting!! #friendsforever #lifepartners #iloveyou