f_havili_tuakoi: As excited as I am to renew my covenants every Sunday and hopefully, be able to nourish my spirit thru the messages that are shared during sacrament meeting and my different auxiliary classes, it brings with it a whole set of challenges when tending to little ones. I know all you moms out there can relate. 😉 And not even just the little ones like my little 3 year old Jordan. My seven kids range from ages 14 down to 3. Four girls precede the three youngest of the bunch, which are our little soldiers in training (our boys). The craziness during sacrament meeting is not portrayed by just this 3 year old boy, who in all innocence, is trying to figure out how to get his 'natural man' to catch up with the UH-MAZING spirit that resides in his little body. I forget that a lot. I get frustrated when he's frustrated. I wanna throw in the towel when he throws in the towel. I wanna crawl in a corner and cry before he even starts to show any signs of that coming. But the ONE thing that always keeps things in perspective (if I so choose to actually keep perspective at that moment or the MANY moments during the day) is the Savior. I can feel His love for this innocent child. I can feel His patience during Jordan's (or any of my other kids') frustrations. I can feel his all encompassing arms envelope my family when we're in despair. The Savior makes my decisions so simple when I'm able to remember Him in all that I do. I'm not anywhere near perfect, but I'm grateful for the Savior and his atoning sacrifice in enabling us to be able to make mistakes. To be able to learn from our mistakes and to try to do better next time. I'm grateful for His unconditional love. I'm grateful for Him, His life, His grace and His mercy. #HappySabbath #ShareGoodness #LDS #LatterDaySaints