tiu_meghun: Today I decided to start getting Fit Fierce and Fabulous! Day 1, under my belt 👊 Caleb and I ran some errands (read: lots of walking) for youth group activities am then we got Chipotle for lunch (read: YUM)! Usually I get a bowl, and eat all of it, but I made myself a challenge to eat half...I upheld this challenge and actually felt MORE satisfied! Amazing! 🙈😋 This afternoon i squeezed in "Sweet and Spicy Toning" via Fit Fierce Fab book and I also got in a 20min night run. It's too hot during the day so I either have to go early in the morning or later at night!! I'm so glad I went - it's such a release 👟💜 #fitfiercefab #tiuteam #tiurunner #tiugreensboro #tiunc @toneitup @karenakatrina