: Can we talk talk about this moment from the preview real quick. He was showing the battles that have been made and of course he will show the one of sokovia, after he mention it and was being played Wanda just looked away cause that was her home, that was the place she lost her brother. And Steve being the one to understand what a lose feels like he said “okay, that’s enough”. He understand that was a sensitive topic for her, not only did her home was destroyed but her bother died there also. Could you imagine how upset she feels ? Civil war is taking place a year later from the incident from ultron. So it took a year for Wanda to work on herself and I’m pretty sure that was hard for her. Could you imagine days or nights she just thinks about her brothers death and feel upset that she couldn’t save him? Maybe days she thinks she couldn’t do anything without him cause he would always protect her from anything and always do anything for her safety but now that he’s gone she has to do everything for herself. The emotion just from her turning away from the screen, Could’ve just bring back those days trying to recover from pietros death. just imagine from when he showed that clip I’m sure she thought about pietro death because she felt him die. #Xmen #CaptainAmericaCivilWar #ScarletWitch #CaptainAmerica #TeamCap #Marvel