: Happy 1 year of Marriage to my Best Friend, my Traveling duo, gym buddy, my Netflix benching bud, partner in life and all of the above! I seriously can't believe in just a year we have done so much! We have been out of the country twice, (Asia & Europe) traveled to Hawaii, DC, Florida, Rushmore and that's just to name a few. We have played with elephants, gators, Tigers, bears... And somehow in all the craziness we bought a new home and have that new process to look forward to!!! They say the first year of marriage is the hardest and if that is the case... We are in for a great ride!!! I think the one thing that has made this year so great is because even through some hardships we have each other! I look back at our wedding pictures and still think of it as such an amazing day but I look forward to what's ahead in our future with that same amazing excitement!!! I love you Nate and thank you for all you bring to my life and for making me your wife!!! #normanlife #ournormanlife #oneyearanniversary #luckyinlove #ourlovestory