: Enjoying a Spring Break moment with my beautiful, fearless goddaughter Monroe! (my twin girls are off on the Storm Chaser water slide :-) ) This moment reminds me of my NBS Thrillseeker days facing the fear of skiing Vail's enormous back bowls and attacking them! At a sneeze away from 50, gettin on this big ass slide is well out of my comfort zone... a fun reminder to be steadfast in building my Choreogroove Dream despite fear! And so, as I came off this slide a lady says to me... Gurl if u can do this, u can do anything..right! Yass!! Saw two perfect inspirational quotes on Instagram today, sharing.... "Age is just a number, young is an attitude" @coachmiguelb "Fear has two meanings. 1. Forget Everything and Run. or 2. Face Everything and Rise! The Choice is Yours!" @fitat50s_ Let's Rise Ya'll... Be Fierce! Xo #choreogroove #itsyourmove @choreogroove #inspiration #motivation #move #dreamleapers #mom #mystory