: Happy Birthday @thenikkibella & @thebriebella I made this just for you girlies. I've been waiting for this day since your last birthday and it has finally come hope your girls have an awesome birthday and get into #BrieMode. You girls mean the world to me and I will always look up to you girls I want to be just like both of you when I grow up and I'm also #Fearless I don't let anything come in my way I don't look at the last I keep on moving forward. I hope I can get to meet you guys in person to tell you this myself instead of always writing it on a screen. ❀️ I've been a #BellaArmy for a very long time now and I will never switch my team cause you girls aren't like any of the other divas cause Nikki you've caught through so much blood, & tears when Brie quit but you kept on moving forward and #BellaArmy always been right by your side since day one and I know that when you and Brie had your storyline you girls got to see who was really a Nikki & Brie fan and I wasn't one of those fans that switched to a different diva when there was that storyline I was always by your side, and Brie you have got through Kane, & Steph right after another and you didn't give up even though you were scared of Kane you still held your head up high and you kept on fighting and when Bryan was injured and had to give up the Intercontinental Championship you stayed in @wwe to keep your #BellaArmy happy I know you will become a divas champion soon and I know for a fact that when Nikki gets another opportunity at the divas championship she will dominate and I hope you girls see this come I'm speaking from my heart and I've never done this before and I'm crying right now just tying this I just wanna wish you girlies a HAPPY 32nd BIRTHDAY!! I hope you get into #BrieMode Brie β€οΈπŸ’‹πŸΎπŸ‘‘ #HappyBirthdayQueens #NikkiBella #BrieBella #32ndBirthday