: Good Morning!!! This is for those of you that would like to commit to doing push ups for the month of April. An important part of exercise is having proper form. Please refer to the videos I have shared, you should have a straight line from your neck through your spine. Do not slouch or stick your butt in the air. The top video of the kneeling push up is for those of you that are not quite ready to push all your weight. First try the push up in the bottom video, do as many as you can. If you are unable to do all the reps on your feet, finish out your reps on your knees. It's a new day, living a healthy lifestyle is about making the right choices in everyday, small matters which lead to the greatest rewards in our lives. Consistency and discipline will carry you to your goals. Workout song - @PastorAD3 'Copy Cat' on the 'No Pain No Love album, hands down one of the best albums you'll hear!!! Healthy perspective for a healthy lifestyle. - ActuallyOpal #WWAO #itsinmyreach #healthyliving #healthychoices #yourlifematters #smallisthenewnbig #FITversary #8yearsstrong #letslivebetter