: A couple of weeks ago I became a Beachbody Coach, now I may not be the fittest coach and that's ok. You see the girl in the back of the classroom in the yellow shirt? That's me at my lowest during my very first time stepping into a gym classroom and trying a high intensity class - Insanity class in this case. I wanted to walk out and never return, I modified every workout, I kept telling myself I was too "fat" and lastly I literally suppressed my feelings by eating uncontrollably. I may not be where I want to be YET, but I am putting myself out there in order to share my story and help others that may be struggling with the same issues as myself. I have found what works for me and would love to help you find what works for you. All it takes is a little encouragement and self-love. Let's do this together, we are just in the third month of the year, I want to reach my goals and in turn would love to help you reach yours. You are not alone. Message me or text me for further details. #TeamBeachBody #SummerIsRightAroundTheCorner #NoExcuses #HealthyLife #WeCanDoThis