: This is day 01 of 22, #22pushups for #22kill . I am pushing in attempt to raise awareness to the fact that 22 American Vets will commit suicide as a result of PTSD. Today, I challenge, Natalie Sanchez. If you accept, copy and paste this to each video. Please spread the word that veteran suicide is not the answer. A new video will be posted each day for the next 22 days, each with someone new being challenged. The goal is to raise awareness of our Service Members who are battling this demon. The organization at the links below are raising the bar in creating a culture that OUT Vets know their sacrifice was not in vein. To participate, visit: www.22kill.com Share in this noble cause. http://www.honorcouragecommitment.org This organization promotes Veteran Entrepreneurship. PS I have it on time lapse to speed it up, it's 22 push ups!! 😎 Help spread the word. #22Kill #22pushups #22days #Vets