: Today came way too fast.... I got the honor of walking my best friend THE Aleesa Naomi Yanez out on her Senior Day. I was a little worried to coming to college all the way across the country but this girl right here has made it the best 3 years I could ask for. I never would have thought I would meet my best friend, future bridesmaid & my DAY 1 In Alabama!!! She's is definitely leaving her legacy here behind at ASU In the 4 years she has been a 4 YEAR STARTING CATCHER. Shes also currently 5th ALL TIME at ASU in hits!!!! #baller. She's taught me a lot & helped me grow as a ball player, leader, & an all around person. I couldn't thank you enough for all of our memories we have made in my 3 years of college, I'm gonna miss the hell out of you next year Day 1. I got one more memory to make before you leave back to Cali...... SWAC CHAMPS!!!! I hope you had an amazing day because you deserve it!! Keep it up stud, the ride ain't ova⚾️🐝💛 #Day1 #YouHangIt #WeBangIt