tinylittlebird94: "for all have sinned and #fall #short of the glory of God, being justified freely by His #grace through the redemption that is in Christ #Jesus, whom #God set forth as a propitiation by His #blood, through #faith, to demonstrate His righteousness" (Romans 3:23-25a) 💒 #Aladdin #genie #jasmine #jafar #abu #lastday #aladdinmusicalspectacular #disney #corporation #money #rich #wealth #obsessed #no #good #cold #heart #starwarsland #goodbye #picplaypost #marktwainriverboat
tinylittlebird94: "for all have sinned and #fall #short of the glory of God, being justified freely by His #grace through the redemption that is in Christ #Jesus, whom #God set forth as a propitiation by His #blood, through #faith, to demonstrate His righteousness" (Romans 3:23-25a) 💒 #Aladdin #genie #jasmine #jafar #abu #lastday #aladdinmusicalspectacular #disney #corporation #money #rich #wealth #obsessed #no #good #cold #heart #starwarsland #goodbye #picplaypost #marktwainriverboat
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