jennglenn78: To our troops and veterans, we support you! We push for you and for those who can't. Thank you for your sacrifice. Everyone goes through hardships, seasons of weakness, self-doubt and it's difficult when your in it. From experience, I've learned these seasons of life do have a purpose. It's ok to ask for help, it's ok to reach out and it's ok to be in these seasons, because this is where growth comes into play. If you know somebody who is in a tough season, don't wait for them to ask for help, help them anyway. Lend your time your ear or encouragement to help them through their season. If you don't feel equipped to help personally, you can at least provide them a resource. I want to give a shout out to several organizations who I respect and who support the cause of our military and veterans Day 22 of 22, #22kill doing #22pushups. Jenn Wayne, am pushing in an attempt to raise awareness to the fact that an estimated 22 American veterans will commit suicide a day. These are veterans across many generations of war. Today I challenge anyone who wants to raise awareness. If you accept, copy and paste this status to each of your videos. Everyone has a purpose! Continue to find the emotional and physical strength you never thought existed!A new video will be posted each day for the next 22 days, each with someone new being challenged.-How it works: video yourself executing 22 pushups to your ability level.-Post the video to facebook or other social media using the hash tags above-Tally your pushups (i.e. a group of 4 people in a video would look like this: #88 pushups for ##22kill-Call out your friends, family, anyone. The goal is to raise awareness for our service members who are battling this demon.www.22kill.com Help spread the word. #supportourtroops #supportourveterans #fourthquarterlife #freedomruck #spartanrace #spartantraining #faithhustle #22kill #22pushups #qalo #forgedclothing #exercise #usa #usmc #usaf #army #navy #uscg #neverquit #haveyouforgotten #neverforget #startsomewhere #exercise #pushups #woundedwarriorproject