supersaiyanstrong: Decided to work up to a max effort front squat today cause this use to be my biggest deadlift assistance workout don't know why I took it out of my program but I'm putting them back in for this meet prep. Still feeling a little bit of the meet fatigue today worked up to 315 thought about doing 335 but didn't feel good on the unrack so I'll save that for another day. Then hit a 10x3 paused front squats at 135. #frontsquat #saiyanstrong #Workout2eat #teamsaiyanstrong #bootywurk #trainhard #strength #powerlifting #bardontlie #squat #dragonballz #instafit #beltsnapsassy #asian #asianpower #heavy #muscles #bigbuttsandbeltsnaps #crunchfitness #gymlife #swole #strongnotskinny #fuckabsbehappy #sbd #teamfluffy #asianaesthetics #getbig #strength