rossmerygomez: Today marks the completions of our 7th Grade Leadership Journey. They arrive to the finish line, seeing their vision of bringing smiles to children in Hospitals come ALIVE! Thank you, Bronx Lebanon Children's Pavilion for allowing these amazing leaders to make a difference! πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ This class was by far my hardest to lead, πŸ˜“they taught me more about myself than I taught them. So what kept me going? During the program, the words that I heard the most was "Don't give up on us Mrs Rossmery."TODAY, they made us PROUD! Dignity Universal graduated with them, as they are the youngest of youth MAKING A REAL DIFFERENCE! #dignityUniversal #cwl #weareone