the.hiders.of.the.night: Open Rp Emma sat in her room and ran her fingers through her hair and she sighed "damnit brother..." She got up fixing her uniform and put her glove on. She went to his office and growled lowly walking in and she went over to Roy slapping him "what the hell were you thinking!" She sighed glaring at him and he sighed 'yeah yeah I get it I was stupid, but I'm the older one here so you have no right telling me what to do!' Emma huffed "buy like a minute..." She looked away "and I'm stronger than you but your a higher rank it's crap..." Emma left going to the library looking through books her eyes widened and she quickly ran before stopping outside her brothers door and than shook her head "not risking him..." Emma quickly ran out and went to a pay phone and she called Roy and quickly locked herself in there seeing someone walking closer. "Roy we don't have much time...I figured out what Hughes had found out I only have a little time left" she flinched as she heard glass cracking. - #openrp #mustang #wateralchemist #flamealchemist #Hughes #statealchemist #fma #homunculus