: My name is Ashley Winchester née Carter. I married my soulmate, my moose, Sam Winchester ( @realsamwinchesterr ). How we met is just between us. He has a brother named Dean who's a total badass ( @_dean._winchester ) and we're all demon hunters. I was born in Anaheim, California but my family moved to London. I'm 27 years old and I have a younger brother named Jai { @imjcsus }. I was an actor for quite some time. One Christmas night, my father takes out his gun and shoots my mother. I'm thankful that my siblings didn't have to witness that. Since then, I've distanced myself from everyone, being diagnosed with PTSD. I stayed in rehab for two years and then started acting like I was fine. I'm not, I'm really fucked up. I slowly but surely got on the right track. I did everything to try and hunt down the demon that possessed my father. Sam and Dean were able to kill the demon with my help. As much as it killed me, the brothers had to leave. From that moment on, with a little hesitation from Dean, I've been helping out in different cases here and there. After a while, a case popped up near by my place and they decided to pay me a visit. How do I even begin to cope? - - #openrp #sexrp #tvdrp #supernatural #destiel #deanwinchester #castielnovak #samwinchester #ahsrp #samwinchesterrp #deanwinchesterrp #castielnovakrp #supernaturalrp #bomdotbio