: I'm not much for mushy posts but my boyfriend (still weird to say) deserves it. Its hard to believe we just met 1.5 years ago. A New York man who chased a woman living in Kansas City. I was scared. So was he. How could We ever fall in love again after how we both were hurt so much? I pushed and he kept pulling. We were opposites. He would say black and I would say white. But somehow someway it worked. He flew in as much as he could for several months. He changed my world. He showed me what it was like to be loved. A kind of love that only existed in fairytales. He keeps me grounded and I keep him on his toes. He's romantic, buys me flowers and tells me I'm beautiful. I crack jokes, kiss his neck and tell him how nice he smells. There is no give and take. We work together to be equal. My new life is wonderful and it's wonderful because of him. My prince who tries so hard to make my fairytale exist everyday. He's amazing & I get to call him mine. This is only the beginning sweetheart I'm looking forward to see what other fun adventures we will have. I love you & thank you for you. #love #mexico #couple #heart #cc #us #u+me #vaca