: I am so grateful to be apart of his life. For one I love you so much and I would change being apart of your life for anything in the world. He literally is my other half, my bestfriend and my everything in one. I thank Jehovah everyday for him cause I know he's a blessing from him. Not only was this trip amazing I got to spend it with someone who is very close to me. I don't thank you enough but thank you for all you've done for me and being there. Our relationship is centered upon Jehovah and that's what keeps it growing and to keep going but most importantly LOVE. Love never fails, and it bears all things and endures all things. You're everything to me and my love for you will never change, I miss you already like crazy and can't wait to make more adventures and traveling with you and growing old together. I am even apart of his physical family which warms my heart, and I love them all my new family. Thank you Jehovah. #ivebeentofivestatesnowwhooah #travelist #myotherhalf #besttripmoretocome #gilsonfamily | 041416 💍