battlespirit7: In order to have #balance in your #physique, you must #workout your #upper and #lower #body, even if you are stronger or weaker in either area. In time, you will see #healthier and #fitter #results. I am speaking from #personal #experience, since, about a year ago I started having knee issues, that resulted in a tore meniscus, then a needed #surgery; and a successful recovery. I'm now, having the same #symptoms in my right knee, so I'm cautious in my #workout routines. Nonetheless, though it is a light workout, I still #maintain a #fitness regimen that keeps my #muscles in the best #shape they can be in; given my limited #mobility. I can't wait to see my knee #specialist to rule underlining issues. Go slow, if you have any body issues, but don't stop lol. BUT...If you experience #pain of any kind, go see your #doctor!!! #BeSmart #WorkoutSafe