jojo_trainer: Working on my weaknesses after my #wod. Keeping heels to the ground. Focus on the weight on the heels and hamstrings. Watching the pelvic tilt I have and so forth. I did super sets of 10x10 back squats and leg curls to strengthen the hamstrings. Monday WOD: Ran 4.75 mi Circuit HIITS: 3 rounds of 30 sec Banded chest presses Push up burpees with tuck jumps Rest 1 min Banded tricep extensions KB squat to swing Rest 1 min Plank toe taps T- push ups planks KB Russian twists Rest 1 min Then: 5 rounds for time 4 ring dips 6 hang power cleans 8 front lunges Strength: 4 sets of 7 Push press (increasing the weight each set) Abs: 3 rounds of 15 Weighted crunches Reverse crunches with hips off the bench.