: Thought of the Day: Sometimes, we encounter difficult times in our life when we may see the world in a different light, with everyone in it. It makes you question who is really your friend and who is only pretending to be. It breaks my heart that someone you thought would always have your back and support you, could be doing the opposite. Whether you are struggling to make ends meet, feed your family, quit a bad habit, keep your head above water and take care of your responsibilities, or just stay on the right track and don't give up the fight, despite how many odds are against you; I want you to know that you're not alone. You are capable of making beauty out of dirt. You have the power to stand up yet again. You have it in you to prove those who don't believe in you, wrong. Stand up, pray, and get it done. Have faith. God does listen and those who genuinely love and care for you will stand behind you and beside you 🙏🏽❤️ #ThoughtOfTheDay #Thoughts #Reflections