: Just another typical day... I'm busy... Don't have a lot of time but I have learned to make time for these things... Made breakfast and threw porkloin in the crockpot for dinner tonight, got Jake ready for school and dropped him off ran a few errands. Then while Dylan took his nap I did my 22 min workout and had my shake prepped some more food until he woke up. If you wanna learn more about the healthy recipes and how I fot it all in. Message me and join my group. We are all busy... But learning how to do this not only helped me lose weight and get healthy, I am setting the best example I can for my kids. Showing them that working hard pays off! #mommyonamission #coacheslife #makeeachdaycount #leadbyexample #youcandoit #justdoit #makeithappen #noexcuses #designyourownlife #makehealthapriority #setgoals #picplaypost