: Virtual "HIGH FIVE" to 3 ROCKSTARS that just completed our February LOVE YOUR BODY challenge! Not only did they lose pounds and inches, but they GAINED so much more! Energy, knowledge of how to eat right to fuel their body, strength, confidence, happiness, health...I could go on and on! This is what makes me LOVE what I do! This is why I love #beachbody! They threw away their #excuses and got to work! These #ROCKSTARS inspire me! Give them an shout out or a high five in the comments below to show them how awesome they are! Are you ready for this to be you? As a "THANKS" I have a $20 Target gift card waiting for someone who is ready to commit to getting healthy and joining me...is that someone YOU? (Challenge pack order must be placed today, 2/29/16). Start date: March 7th! #rockstars #inspiring #goalcrushers #noexcuses #twistedFITsters #picplaypost