: #BirthdayMemories with my friends, family, and #lovedones ... Grateful to have these #amazinghumans in my life as family, confidants, and good friends ... Truly, I'm #Soblessed, and I know it. Grateful for all the smiles that was put on my fat face on #328, all the tears of laughter & joy from all the jokes/funny moments ... When the doctor said you will be dead in 1 year, I had some amazing people praying me through, supporting me (finically and physically), looking after me, caring for me from their heart, showing love with their actions, and holding me down and those people posted birthday wishes on my wall, called, facetime, texted (always checking on me b/c they know I've been in pain for the last 5 years ... #ButTheWayMyFaithSetUp, I keeps it moving & seek to #PushOutPurpose just because) laced my PayPal/Pockets, and #GaveMeMyFlowers (give) in the form of love, and the most precious commodity - their #PreciousTime, and for every moment spent wishing #DaphneDWilliams aka #DwriteWELL a #HappyBirthday, I'm for ever thankful that God placed you all in my life - if only for these special moments because I take nothing or nobody for granted since I know your worth and mine too, and I know life isn't promised, so we must truly live, love, and forgive ... so if I'm chilling with you, especially on my #SpecialDay it's simply because you make me grin a little harder, love a lot stronger, be more engaged with the right now moments we're creating while not taking life or myself so serious, as I'm encouraged to laugh at my #FlawsAndAll, smile for nothing at all, and create birthday memories daily because #ImStillHere ready to live, love with Agape, avoid negativity, go forward, flow, & know exactly when to say no #itsACompleteSentence, thus securing the oxygen mask on self as I continue to grow while sowing seeds of love, faith, and being present when I'm in the company of those who take the time to love on me, cherish #Daph, value and admire me with #NoStringsAttached. The main thing that I'm interested in at the #Big45 is #OnlyCreatingGoodMemories with those who #CelebrateMe oppose to simply tolerate me. #ImTrulyBlessed because of each person in this photo - they kee