byington21: I had a conversation with someone this week and although I know no harm was meant by it, I can't stop thinking about it. During a chat about some health and fitness things it was brought up that the constant fitness posts and "healthies" were bothersome. Basically I was questioned whether I would want my children to see the things I post on social media when they are old enough to use it. A comment was made that my posts make someone feel they have to look or eat a certain way really gut punched me...but the "would you really want your children to see this" hit me even harder. The more I thought about it the more I confirmed to myself that yes, of course I do! In fact, I hope they do see it-and do the same thing! And as far as making others feel a certain way..,if a flipping picture on Facebook or Instagram makes you feel like you are not self worthy, you have a heck of a lot more problems than your diet and fitness level. I am a damn good mom, and a damn good role model. I'll be damned if my children will grow up in a household that doesn't teach them lessons about health and wellness. There is an extreme epidemic of obesity...and it starts when?! When kids are young. They learn habits from their parents. We mold who our children become. So tell me, why the hell wouldn't I want my kids to see me and my hubby working out, sharing nutritious meals, inspiring others....and just feeling happy to spread health-what's wrong with that!? Little do you know, the one person who doesn't know what to do or where to start just may have seen that happy post, and decided to reach out for help. There is enough bullshit out there on social media. If I don't like it, I scroll by it and don't let it bother me. I encourage that those that get "annoyed" with my fitness posts do the same because I won't stop....especially for my children's sake! So enough of my Saturday night rants I'm a proud mama on a mission to spread the love of health and fitness, one negative nancy at a time! I'm always here to help anyone who may need a push. This is my passion. It's what I love. Never give up on something that makes you feel whole. #fitmom #fitness #momonamission #beachbody