: Day 6: As crafters our hands, wrists, and forearms hold A LOT of tension and it's an area we frequently forget to stretch and warm up. If you do no other stretch before crafting do this!!  Sit either on the ground or on a stack of firm blankets or couch cushion. Raising your hips above your knees is easier on the knees and low back. Lift the navel toward the spine to engage the core and stabilize the spine. Soften the shoulders away from the ears and drop your tongue away from the roof of your mouth.  Place both hands on the floor in front of you fingertips facing your legs and the eyes of the elbows roll forward. Switch to place the top of your hands on the floor. You can also alternate using your opposite hand as leverage instead of the floor for a gentler variation. Stay in each pose for 3-5 breaths.  Here's how to join: 1)follow host: @justbewellyogatx  2) ️follow sponsor: @iknitiatives- skein of yarn @sixmunchkinstitching- sock sack @stolenminutes_ - project bag @orangejellyfishdream -knitting pattern  3) Use hashtag #knitasana 4) repost the challenge collage and tag two of your friends to join you  5) post all 30 days before 7/2 tagging #knitasana and all hosts_________________________________