: Not ready for the big chop let's make this a smooth transition. Sew-ins are a great protective style as well!
Custom color x Natural Sew-in 🎨💆🏽💁🏽💇🏽
#customcolor #extensions #highlights #lowlights #joico #naturalextensions #flatfoundation #healthyhair #naturalhair #transitioning #softstyles #pearlandstylist #pearlandhair #houstonstylist #houstonhair #hairlife #teamkhroma #khromahair #khromahairstudio
: Not ready for the big chop let's make this a smooth transition. Sew-ins are a great protective style as well! Custom color x Natural Sew-in 🎨💆🏽💁🏽💇🏽 #customcolor #extensions #highlights #lowlights #joico #naturalextensions #flatfoundation #healthyhair #naturalhair #transitioning #softstyles #pearlandstylist #pearlandhair #houstonstylist #houstonhair #hairlife #teamkhroma #khromahair #khromahairstudio
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