: Got my workout in suuuper late today after spending the day with my momma and decided to switch it up from my normal pilates/yoga to dance it up! I thought I knew how to dance before but Shaun T CLEARLY proved me wrong today 😫😳 Before I started coaching and hearing about how much people love seeing what I'm doing and how it makes them want to workout or eat healthier or what have you, I would have been too self-conscious to post this but if one person sees it and knows that if I can do it and look like an ass, they can do it too and may even do better than my shit dancing! Lol! I messed up a bunch of times but was having so much fun I didn't care AND didn't realize it was 11:30 and I have to be at work at 6:30 am!! Worked up a good sweat, now time for a shower and bed! Good night/ good morning loves ✌🏾️✌🏾 #dancelikenobodyswatching #danceitup #breakasweat #laughitoff