jin.cap: 9 months already & i'm enjoying every minute spent with my baby! he keeps us so busy. he has mommy's attitude & daddy's stubbornness, kid knows what he wants. lol. he's talkative like the both of us & we love hearing his stories. he enjoys playing in front of the mirror & gets so excited watching videos of himself. always waving hi & bye to everyone, except some unfamiliar faces that will have him screaming his head off! he loves books & when we read to him. his favorite thing to do is to be outside watching the birds fly by. oh, & his two bottom teeth are in. he's just 3 months shy of his 1st birthday & i'm so proud of his little big milestones! #happy9months #yesterday #latepost #busyweekend #bigboy #stillmybaby #forever #kai11092014