betty7_6: Of course I am not missing the opportunity to brag about my siblings. Its a bittersweet feeling to recognize you guys have grown to be amazing young adults. Its your time to begin/continue to build a college experience, filled of a couple hard times but remarkable memories as well. Make the best out of this stage; enjoy, learn and grow as human beings. I have faith you will take down every challenge that crosses your path. Keep your head up, your goals defined, your strong character, your determination untouched, your faith alive and remember to stay humble. As you know, I'm so egoist that a great part of me wishes you guys were here simply because home is better with you. But, I also understand your greatness must be shared and your respective campuses are in need of brilliant minds, just like yours. You guys are missed daily. [but do not come back, not right now] Moms and Daddy are very proud. Me too. Everyone is. #perosecuidan👫🔐☝️#youguysareoncheck😇👀👈😅#justsaying💁😈#UCSB💙🌊#UCR💚🌸#yesIwanttoshowoff😌#becauseIcan😎#noImnotsorry✊