: I have often asked myself in the last 3 months Why I have come to Costa Rica. Yes I have been coaching that is true. But for me, as an individual what has it brought me? It has brought me to this place, where I finally stopped and really paid close attention to my body. I stopped chasing numbers and gave in. My back hasn't been great since Carson 2013. On and off with bouts if heavy training and prs only to be plagued by the same sore back. Enter Costa Rica and I took off my shoes, grabbed the yoga mat, the foam roller and the pain ball. This wasn't an occasional something, I made myself do it every day. Yoga calmed me down and put a magnifying glass on the issues regarding my own mobility. Pfff no wonder I got hurt. It has been 3 months of consistent work, of gymnastics that brought the fun and excitement back to training and of everyday stretching, twisting and rolling. My core has gotten so much stronger and that has lessened the pain to almost 0. That is quite new as I had not been pain free since October. Being able to get into this position without any pulling on my back is simply a milestone for me. Costa Rica has been about just that. Sitting alone long enough to ask hard questions and take a good hard look at my stubborn self. If you lift heavy and you feel you are too good for a yoga class, maybe take your sorry ass to a basic one and be confronted by the lack of range of motion you may have lost throughout the years. Mind you I am not saying become a #yogi I am saying, take a hard look, listen to your body. Don't wait until you get hurt, i. Until your body pulls the hand breaks on you. Peace